Why we Run, Kick and Spike.

“Our drive to fight prematurity and juvenile neurological disorders began in our home.” 

A note from longtime, local soccer players Jessica and Jason Vinson:

We launched RIBS in memory of our first daughter, Rylee Rae Vinson, who we lost in August 2007 due to complications of premature birth.  Our second daughter, Kayden, was born healthy on April 29, 2010, but at 7 months was diagnosed with Generalized Myoclonic Epilepsy.  In August 2013, after a series of medications failed to provide relief, she underwent elective brain surgery at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital to help control her seizures. 

Now, at age 14, she excels in school—Kayden is learning, playing with her peers, and following verbal directions.  She loves to play soccer, ride horses, and run around outside.  Because of this life-altering surgery, her seizures are milder, and she has begun communicating better, which helps her learn more effectively and gain some independence as a growing adolescent.

To celebrate and honor the lives of both of our daughters, we began raising funds for children’s charities in the Memphis area. This year, all proceeds will go to the Neuroscience Institute and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital.

With more than $350,000 raised since 2010, our donations have supported the healing and comfort of thousands of children and their families.

Here are just some of the ways.

  • Kangaroo Chairs

    Helping parents bond with their preemies in the NICU

  • Angel Eye

    When families can’t be in the NICU

  • Kayden's Cases

    Returning kids to a more normal level of activity

  • Bunny Lane

    When nervous kids needed a fun distraction before surgery, RIBS helped.

  • Kayden R. Vinson Distinguished Scholar & Lecture Award

    Encouraging advancements in pediatric neurology

Read more about Rylee, her sister Kayden and other stories about our friends.

  • Rylee

    There is no truer statement than “life is a gift, never take it for granted.”

  • Kayden

    Kayden is now an extremely happy almost eight-year-old who loves soccer and gymnastics.

  • Campbell

    When Sean and I found out we were pregnant in April 2009, we were so excited and thought “that was really easy!”

  • Alexander

    Greenfield's very own "Little A" (Alexander) Cerpa was born 7 1/2 weeks early at 4 lbs. 6 oz.