Getting kids back in action

In 2023, the team at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital chose to spend a portion of our donation on specialized backpacks for use in their world-class pediatric epilepsy program.

But these backpacks don’t carry books or clothes.

Children in the EMU (Epilepsy Monitoring Unit) have 26 wires glued to their heads, each with a cord that runs down to portable equipment for tracking seizures and recording brain frequencies.  Traditionally, the kids carried this equipment in bags that hung like a purse, with an uncomfortable and physically limiting nylon strap that draped around the child’s neck. 

The Vinson family knew there could be a better-suited, more comfortable solution. Their idea led to the swapping out of the purse for a special, kid-sized backpack, which would take the pressure off their necks while allowing them to move around far more freely, and without adding risk to their wires.

In the past, RIBS donations have covered 500 of these “Kayden’s Cases” (obvs named after our inspirational Kayden Vinson). But in 2023, we were able to donate 1,200 of these clever backpacks!

That’s a LOT of kids we’ve returned to a more normal level of mobility during such a challenging time in their lives.

As you consider whether to give today through RIBS, think about how direct that connection is between your donation and the children whose lives you improve. Thank you so much for your generosity!

Please consider making a donation today.