Campbell’s Story

When Sean and I found out we were pregnant in April 2009, we were so excited and thought “that was really easy!” We had only tried for a month to get pregnant and had no issues. We were so thankful and felt very lucky.

We found out we were having a boy in August 2009 and all the dreams parents have about their sons came into our heads, would he one day be a doctor, lawyer, a husband, a father?? All of these wonderful visions and aspirations were so overwhelming and exciting. I am sure every new parent feels the same way that we did.
I had a rough pregnancy, lots of morning sickness and a stay overnight in the hospital due to dehydration and early contractions. That was in late August 2009. On Friday, September 25th 2009, our lives were forever changed. I had been at work and noticed that something just didn’t feel right. I called my doctor and they told me to go get checked out at labor and delivery. By the time we got to the hospital, I was contracting every 3 minutes or so. The doctor performed a test to see if I was in actual preterm labor and it came back as positive. There it was, the scariest moment in our lives so far. Sean and I were so terrified and optimistic all at the same time. I never thought it was possible to have all the emotions going on at once. I was only 24 weeks pregnant, how could our son live?

I was checked into the hospital and given a ton of medicines to stop the labor and try to keep me pregnant as long as possible. It was a rough week of almost constant laboring, not being able to eat, and very raw emotions. By the next Friday, October 2nd, 2009, my cervix was completely gone. Sean and I knew this was the day our son was to going to be born. We were terrified and hopeful. At 10:09 pm, our son Campbell was born via C section. I heard the tiniest little sound I have ever heard come from his mouth when they pulled him out of me. He sounded like a tiny puppy dog. I remember being so thankful I had at least been able to hear him for a minute.
I was wheeled into recovery and so exhausted and out of it that I think I was almost too afraid to ask about our son. Sean got to go see him; they took me back to my room to rest. He had pulled the breathing tube out and was breathing on his own for a little while. The Doctors were amazed at our little boy’s strength. The next day, I finally felt strong enough to get wheeled into the NICU to see my wonderful miracle of a baby. He was a mighty 1 lb 15 ounces and 13 ¼ inches long, but he was the most beautiful thing I had every seen. He was our angel baby.  Sean and I were so scared, but so happy he was breathing and alive and smiling and he was such a wonderful testament to the NICU doctors and nurses.
Over the next almost 5 months, Campbell had many ups and downs in the NICU. He had to have a shunt placed due to hydrocephalus and also contracted MRSA in the first few weeks of his tiny life. He had to fight to live and he did. Campbell is still a fighter to this day.   If it wasn’t for the March of Dimes, Campbell would most likely not be here. The March of Dimes provides so much funding for research for premature birth and it will hopefully find a way to stop it completely! Sean and I are forever grateful to anyone and everything that made it possible for our sweet little boy to live. He is now 18 months old and doing wonderfully!

Read more about Rylee, her sister Kayden and other stories from our members.

  • Rylee

    There is no truer statement than “life is a gift, never take it for granted.”

  • Kayden

    Kayden is now an extremely happy almost eight-year-old who loves soccer and gymnastics.

  • Campbell

    When Sean and I found out we were pregnant in April 2009, we were so excited and thought “that was really easy!”

  • Alexander

    Greenfield's very own "Little A" (Alexander) Cerpa was born 7 1/2 weeks early at 4 lbs. 6 oz.