Since 2010, we’ve helped families fight for the health of their babies.

Rylee’s Run 5k is one of the many ways RIBS commemorates the life of Rylee Rae Vinson, who was born August 16, 2007, at thirty-two weeks and passed away eight days later due to complications of premature birth.

Rylee’s parents, long-time GMSA soccer players Jason and Jessica Vinson, established the RIBS soccer tournament in 2010 to help raise money for the charities that have meant so much to them over the last several years - specifically, LeBonheur Children's Hospital's Neuroscience Institute and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

To further honor Rylee’s memory and to repay the kindness and invaluable help extended to the Vinson family by these organizations, Rylee’s Run 5K began in 2012 to give back even more to these worthy causes, so they will continue to help families similar to the Vinsons.  

Read more about Rylee, her sister Kayden and other stories from our members.

  • Rylee

    There is no truer statement than “life is a gift, never take it for granted.”

  • Kayden

    Kayden is now an extremely happy fourteen-year-old who loves soccer, horseback riding, and the Michigan Wolverines. Go Blue!

  • Campbell

    When Sean and I found out we were pregnant in April 2009, we were so excited and thought “that was really easy!”

  • Alexander

    Greenfield's very own "Little A" (Alexander) Cerpa was born 7 1/2 weeks early at 4 lbs. 6 oz.